Package-level declarations


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const val MOD_ID: String

The identifier of Staff Mod.

Inherited properties

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Gets the approximate position of the item in the staff, when held my an entity.

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Gets the approximate position of the staff's tip, when held by an entity.

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Checks if the user has sufficient space in front to use the staff.

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@get:JvmName(name = "hasStaffHandler")
val Item.hasStaffHandler: Boolean

Returns if the given item has a registered handler when inserted into a staff.

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Checks if the player's attack is on cooldown.

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@get:JvmName(name = "isItemInStaff")
val ItemStack.isItemInStaff: Boolean

Checks if an item is added the given staff item stack.

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Checks if the given item stack is a staff.

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Gets the item inserted into the given staff item stack.

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Gets the item stack inserted into the given staff item stack. The value returned MUST NOT be modified in any way, use mutableItemStackInStaff instead.

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Gets or sets a copy of the item stack inserted into the given staff item stack. The value returned or passed in can be freely modified.

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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available.

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Returns the registered staff handler of the given item if available, StaffHandler.Default otherwise.


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Creates an EntityAttributeModifier, which changes the attack damage to totalAttackDamage after subtracting the player's base attack damage.

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Creates an EntityAttributeModifier, which changes the attack speed to totalAttackSpeed after subtracting the player's base attack speed.

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Creates an EntityAttributeModifier, which changes the attack speed to the reciprocal of totalEquipTime after subtracting the player's base attack speed.

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Creates an EntityAttributeModifier, which increases the interaction range by additionalRange.

Inherited functions

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inline operator fun Vec3d.component1(): Double
inline operator fun Vec3i.component1(): Int
inline operator fun Vector3f.component1(): Float
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inline operator fun Vec3d.component2(): Double
inline operator fun Vec3i.component2(): Int
inline operator fun Vector3f.component2(): Float
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inline operator fun Vec3d.component3(): Double
inline operator fun Vec3i.component3(): Int
inline operator fun Vector3f.component3(): Float
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fun World.damageSource(damageKey: RegistryKey<DamageType>, source: Entity, attacker: Entity): DamageSource

Utility function to create a DamageSource.

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fun EntityType<out Entity>.getSpawnPosition(world: World, center: Vec3d): Vec3d?

Gets the spawn position if the given entity has enough space to spawn at the given position, or null, if the position is obstructed by blocks.

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Checks if the given item is on cooldown and cannot be used.

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inline operator fun Vec3d.minus(other: Vec3d): Vec3d
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inline operator fun Vector3f.minusAssign(other: Vector3fc)
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inline operator fun Vec3d): Vec3d
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inline operator fun Vector3f.plusAssign(other: Vector3fc)
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inline fun MatrixStack.push(action: MatrixStack.() -> Unit)

Pushes to the given matrix stack, invokes action, then pops from the given matrix stack.

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inline operator fun Vec3d.times(scalar: Double): Vec3d
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inline operator fun Vector3f.timesAssign(scalar: Float)
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inline operator fun Vec3d.unaryMinus(): Vec3d